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The Price of Persecution

As we see and read the news about everything that is happening in our world right now, it is so very easy to believe these are the final moments before Christ’s return. Perhaps they are. None of us know the time or the date. However, it is not time to sell everything we own and wait in a field for the heavens to part. I love the visual that David Guzik gives when he explains these final days. He said, “Many have the wrong idea of the “last days,” thinking only in terms of the final years or months immediately before the return of Jesus in glory to this earth, or the rapture of the Church. Scripturally, we can think of the last days as an era, one that began with the birth of the Church on the Day of Pentecost. Since that time, the Church has not been rushing towards a distant edge that represents the consummation of all things. Instead, at the Day of Pentecost the Church came to the edge — and has run parallel to the brink for some 2,000 years.”

Today’s reading from Joel is another great example of a time when prophesy can be interpretated as being fulfilled in multiple times. Initially, God did “restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem” when the Israelites were allowed to return to Israel after their captivity in Babylon. Then we saw it again in 1948 when Jews from all over the world flocked to their once homeland and recreated the nation of Israel we know now. Again, we will see the fulfillment of God’s word in the final judgment.

While today’s reading contains the harsh ending of those who persecute God’s people, there is a part of me that is greatly comforted by the words. Will judgement be pleasant for the enemies of God’s people? From everything we have seen and all that we are promised, the answer to that is no. I do lament the destruction of anyone. I would much rather they come to know the salvation of Christ and join us on this side of the heavenly war raging all around us. However, hearing my God vow to destroy those who touch His children with evil brings me comfort. We are important to God. Not only will He defend us, He will avenge us. That is how important we are to God.

Jesus tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Luke 6:27-36). Joel reminds us why. To be an enemy of God or of God’s people is no simple crime. It does not go unnoticed or unpunished. The greatest ending is when those who once hated, persecuted, and even killed God’s people are saved through the grace of God. Remember, Paul was once a Pharisee named Saul. How many Christians were martyred at his command and his hand, we don’t really know. We know the Christians feared him for good reason. Still, when Jesus met him on the road to Damascus, he transformed one who was an enemy into a son (Acts 9). This is the goal and hope for every heart. It is not, unfortunately, the reality. We must remember that it is not our place to judge. That lies firmly and solely in the hands of God. Joel reminds us He is more than capable.

As we watch news unfold concerning Israel and Christians around the world, we know these things were destined to happen. We should mourn for the lives that are lost and pray for those who are both persecuted and those doing the persecution. May hearts change, and strongholds break. May God’s people always be protected in the palm of His hands. And when He allows our hearts to break and our bodies to be offered up, let us never grow bitter or blame our Lord. He will defend our cause and pour out judgement on those who acted with cruelty. Instead, let us repeat the words of James in Chapter 1, Verses 2-4: “Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

(Written by Keegan Harkins.)

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I am an award-winning Christian author who loves to talk about God. These blogs are simple devotion-style comments on what we read as we journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. 

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