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The Heart of All Things

     Judgment comes for all who play at their faith. As Amos looked at a basket of fruit that was so ripe it would only keep but a day or two, so the Israelites were ready for their judgment. So too are many of us. Too many people go through the motions without the connection of their hearts. Verses 4-6 show us an example of someone who looks the part on the outside but is distracted on the inside. Outwardly, they are honoring the Sabbath and participating in all of God’s festivals and feast. Inwardly, they are counting the minutes until they are free to pursue their own interests. Unfortunately, those interests are not very godly either. They seek to elevate themselves by pushing others down.

     Jesus told us we were to lift others up if we intended to lead. Specifically, he said, “Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.” (Mark 10:43 and 44) Christian values dictate that we cannot use one another. We cannot exploit even our enemy to gain a leg up or a measure of prosperity. In Christ’s kingdom, the heart of all things is love. We are commanded to love the less fortunate. We are ordered to love those who hate us. We are commended when we act with charity and elevated when we serve with a love for our Heavenly Father as our motivation. God is not blind to our deceit. He is not fooled by appearances, and He knows our reasons for the things we do. Let us never be an over-ripe fruit in the Lord’s basket.

     It is interesting to me that in all of these judgments, the land trembles. The earth pays a price for our sin. This is a picture of the cost. Because we live here, we will feel the sting of the sin of our country and our neighbors. Perhaps that is not a popular message, but I can see no way around it. In today’s reading, the sun went down at noon. The land trembled and everyone mourned who dwelt there. Surely not every soul had hardened against the love of God. Consider Jeremiah, known as the weeping prophet because he wrote such laments overs the horrors he witnessed during the judgment of God against Israel. This is another type of warning for us. Though we suffer for the sins of others, let us never allow that pain to dampen our faith. We must always remember the goodness of God and never forget the very short time we are here on this earth compared with eternity in heaven. We may experience pain. Sometimes that is in direct result of the decision we have made, the unforgiveness or the sin. Sometimes it is because of the sins of others. God is still just. He is still kind, and He is still loving. He promises to comfort us and shield us. Though He may allow us to be exposed to the pains of life, He will shield our hearts with His love. He will give us peace in the middle of our storms. When the heart of our lives is Him, He will protect our hearts in this world.

(Written by Keegan Harkins.)

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I am an award-winning Christian author who loves to talk about God. These blogs are simple devotion-style comments on what we read as we journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. 

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