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Take Time to Understand

This is another example of the disciples not understanding what Jesus was trying to teach them. Again, I am quick to shake my head and roll my eyes at their lack of understanding, then I take a step back. I understand Jesus’ warning to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees because I have heard the explanation many, many times. If I put myself into their shoes, though, I wonder if I would be able to understand without an explanation. I hope; however, that I would remember those previous miracles and not worry about only having one loaf of bread. Feeding thirteen of them is nothing compared to the thousands he had already fed.

Jesus’ response to his disciples was to remember what he had already done. The proof of his abilities could be seen in the history of his accomplishments. As I read those words, I am reminded of what quite possibly was the best advice anyone ever gave me when it comes to reading and studying scripture. A friend of mine compared studying the Word to eating. She said that in the same way we shouldn’t gulp our food and swallow without chewing, we should take our time to digest scripture. She challenged me to not read too much or too fast in one sitting. Some parts need to be pondered over. I call it letting the verses marinate. Sometimes I stop and think about it for a few minutes, I have even been known to ‘marinate’ on scripture for days. I have discovered that studying scripture with intent and patience helps me to remember what God has done and encourages me in each situation I find myself.

God’s Word is so deep. There is layer upon layer waiting for us to discover it. As I mature, my understanding of scripture increases which leads to me gaining more insight into what I have already read many times before. Unfortunately, if I rush to accomplish a certain number of pages or chapters, I don’t process the information correctly. I don’t take the time to see the layer just under the surface. My brain can’t file it out of temporary information into long term remembrance. That takes time. It takes effort. It takes familiarity that only comes when we let the Word settle and begin to change our heart.

If the yeast of the Pharisees can ruin our lives, the yeast of God can change us into something wonderful. I love to make bread. Nothing compares to the smell of fresh baked bread. It’s not as impressive without yeast though. Unleavened bread is fine, but it is not soft, fluffy, perfectly risen goodness. Like yeast, a little bit of scripture begins to make a big change. If you have ever made bread from scratch, you might understand this (if you mess up like I sometimes do): The right amount of yeast creates a beautiful change. Too much yeast and your bread will certainly rise. Unfortunately though, when the bread is cut open, it is filled holes! It is kind of like the parable where the seed sprouts right away, but the soil isn’t deep enough to support it. We want as much of God as we have get, but we need to grow in our understanding – not just our frequency of finishing the Bible. Reading through the Bible in a year is great but not if we aren’t gaining understanding as we do it. Like the disciples, we can be right in the midst of scripture but not understand what we are reading. Sometimes we need to let it marinate. Sometimes we need to find out what other people think about it. Sometimes we need to search through scripture to find other references that give us a clearer picture. Grow in the Lord but at a pace that is more than just show. I don’t want my life to have huge holes in it. I want to be filled with God so I don’t make Jesus sigh with frustration at my continued lack of understanding.

(Written by Keegan Harkins.)

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I am an award-winning Christian author who loves to talk about God. These blogs are simple devotion-style comments on what we read as we journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. 

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