Shine Bright
In today’s reading, Jesus switches from referring to the gospel as a seed to describing it as light. I love both analogies because they speak so perfectly as to what the gospel is and does. Throughout scripture, God and His word are described as light. Light cannot be hidden. Have you ever wrapped your hand around a flashlight? The red glow of light flows through your hand to reveal the life inside. In the 1940’s, Columbia University conducted a number of experiments to discover the capabilities of the human eye. They discovered that the light from a single candle can be seen by the unaided eye as far away as 30 miles (about 48 kilometers).
The truth of God’s word cannot be hidden. The very nature and purpose of light is to cast out darkness. Darkness cannot hide it. Even if the truth were only as strong as the light from a single candle, it would change everything it touched and reach further than we could possibly imagine. That is the nature of God’s word. If we truly have that knowledge in the palm of our hand, not only would we not want to hide it but, we would not be able to contain it. The light would flow through us and be seen by those around us. Light is so amazing, but God is even more so. When His word touches our heart, we are forever changed.
Jesus had just finished teaching that the gospel was like a seed which is scattered indiscriminately upon all different types of soil. The nature of the soil determined how the seed grew, if at all. Now, he tells us that this gospel cannot be received and then hidden away. Truly, no one lights a lamp then places it in a box and hides it, lit, under the bed. What would be the purpose of the light if it were to be hidden from view? The same is true of the gospel in our lives. If we have accepted the seed of truth, we have God’s light shining in us, it should be noticeable. We will be different. Our lives will no longer be the baren ground it was. We will no longer stumble around in the darkness we once called home. God’s word brings about change. If we are not changing, do we really have His word in our heart?
Like the seed which withered in the hot desert sun, light hidden in a box will not last. Fire needs oxygen to continue to glow. Just as a seed needs rich soil, water, and sunlight to thrive. The gospel needs to be out in the open. When we attempt to hide it away amongst the rocks of society’s acceptance, worries, and fears, it will flicker and then cease to be. Embrace the change which the gospel brings. Shine it bright for all to see. Even if your courage is small and your flame more like the flicker of a candle and less like the rage of a bonfire, shine. The more fuel you give your faith, the brighter the light of God flowing through you will become.
(Written by Keegan Harkins.)