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Satisfied with Christ

Most of us have heard the stories of Jesus feeding the five thousand and the four thousand. They were miracles on a grand scale. These miracles cemented people’s idea of making Jesus a physical king. Imagine the power the people would have to withstand the Romans if they had an unlimited source of food at their disposal. No siege or blockade would affect them if Jesus were able to supernaturally provide the people with food. Unfortunately, they missed the point. Far too often, so do we. While there is nothing wrong with pouring out our needs and wants to the Lord, we deprive ourselves of the true power of our relationship with God when we fail to take notice of what we have and the everyday blessings that surround us.

The most beautiful verse from today’s reading is verse 42. It says, “And they all ate and were satisfied.” How satisfied are you with what the Lord has given you? I admit, there are times when I forget to be satisfied. Imagine if the people in the crowd who were fed miraculously with just a couple fish and a few loaves of bread were disappointed because Jesus didn’t give them steak, olives, and wine. Afterall, these were people from lower-class fishing villages. The meal was normal in its appearance even if it was supernatural in its origin. Would you be disappointed? It’s hard to think anyone would be, and yet, how often do we pray for a miracle and then downplay the provision because it came in an everyday form?

God’s blessings surround His children. He is more than a distant deity. God intimately provides for us all. Psalm 147:8 says, “It is He who covers the earth with clouds, who provides rain for the earth, who makes grass sprout on the mountains.” Jesus promised that God would provide for the necessities of life of those who search after him. In Luke 12:31, he said, But seek His kingdom, and these things will be provided to you.” God promises to take care of us when we follow and serve Him. Do we miss the miraculous provision because we are looking for something more grand? Is not an opportunity to work more hours not a miracle for the one who has been praying for financial breakthrough? Is not the opportunity to love on our neighbor’s children and our family not the answer to prayer for the childless? In our minds we sometimes have a preconceived idea of how God’s answers to our needs must look, but God delights in doing the unexpected. Sit at His feet in expectation and delight in the satisfying gift of our Lord and King.

(Written by Keegan Harkins.)

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I am an award-winning Christian author who loves to talk about God. These blogs are simple devotion-style comments on what we read as we journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. 

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