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Revival Starts with Us

As Joel begins his call to repentance and prayer, he begins with the religious leaders. His command to pray and fast goes out to the priests. He tells them to gather together the elders first and then all the inhabitants of the land. This hierarchy of those who should pour themselves out upon the mercy seat of God still stands as a model for us all these years later Revival and corporate repentance should start with the leaders of the church. The people should be able to depend on their leaders to guide them towards true repentance and holy living. If those who lead are blind, how lost will all the congregation be?

If we truly want to change our world and call the lost to repentance and restoration, we must begin in our churches. We must stand up to those who preach acceptance of every vile afront to God’s command. We must weed out the liars who smooth the feelings and emotions by twisting scripture to tickle the ears and grow their congregations. If we do not stand up for the truth and offer a warning for those playing with the fire of sin, one day God will ask us why we stayed silent. How can we look the lost in the eye and ignore the path they are on? We owe it to them to bring them back to the narrow path. Revival starts here and now. The Word needs no flowery additions. The Gospel does need to be modernized or adapted to current thinking. It stands alone as the truth that sets men free. If those of us who know it refuse to share it honestly and entirely, we choose to leave mankind in bondage. We choose to do nothing to fight against the growing darkness. We choose to accept the downward slump of our community’s moral fabric, and we forfeit the blessings that God desires to pour out on His people. So, let revival come, and let it begin with you and me.

(Written by Keegan Harkins.)

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I am an award-winning Christian author who loves to talk about God. These blogs are simple devotion-style comments on what we read as we journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. 

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