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Rejecting the Character of the World

Peter understood that our Christian walk needs to progress. It takes work. We have to “put away” the things that corrupt our soul and derail our growth. In today’s reading, we are given just three short verses, but they pack a big punch. Peter tells us to rid our lives of malice, guile, insincerity, envy, and slander. When we dig into what these words mean, I think we can all find something we need to work on.

Let’s start with malice. The word sounds menacing enough, and in fact, it means evil, wickedness, a desire to injure, but it doesn’t stop there. It also means depravity and a wickedness that is not ashamed to break laws. Maybe most of us can cross this vice off our list. I would hope we have put evil behind us when we gave our lives to Christ, but what about the desire to injure? Now, most likely you don’t lie awake at night and fantasize about thumping someone on the head with a bat, but what about injuring our enemies with our words? If I am honest, I would have to say that on more than one occasion I have laid in my bed and thought of witty comebacks or jabs I could have responded to someone’s rude or mean comment. I have relived arguments with additional slams at the character of the one confronting me. I wish I could deny this, but God hears my thoughts as loudly as if I shouted them. When someone hurts my family, it is hard for me to walk in grace. It’s hard to love our enemies. Sometimes I only succeed in a shallow form of love towards those who have hurt me or my loved ones. However, a begrudged smile is not forgiveness. Love doesn’t come with conditions, but too often my thoughts do. This is where Christianity takes work. This is why Jesus compared it to carrying a cross. None of us have succeeded in perfect holiness, yet.

The next character trait we need to rid our lives of is guile. This word means to decoy or trick. Basically, guile is a lie. It walks hand in hand with insincerity which means hypocrisy and acting. When we lie, we aim to deceive. According to an article on NCESC’s website, “Guile has severe consequences both spiritually and in earthly matters. In the spiritual realm, guile separates individuals from God’s perfect plan and hinders their spiritual growth. It can lead to guilt, shame, and a sense of disconnect from others. In practical terms, guile can destroy relationships, damage reputations, and undermine trust.” There is no such thing as a white lie. It is only through honesty that relationships flourish. God wants to use us, but the real us, not the us we invented to impress. Be genuine because the genuine you is exactly what this world needs.

Our last vice is envy which means jealousy or spite. This is a hard one because we are a jealous people by nature. We have been conditioned by society to want what others have. Every commercial exploits this truth. Companies are made and become wealthy on others’ jealousy. When that jealousy becomes spiteful, relationships are destroyed, and lives are forever changed.

Nothing about any of these characteristics speak of Christ. He is none of these things. These are the attitudes of the world, but we are supposed to be different than the world. As Peter said, we are supposed to crave pure spiritual milk. If we do that, if we crave the Holy Word of God, our natural tendency will be to reject these worldly characteristics. We may not always succeed (that is what grace is for), but we will want to succeed. We will work towards growing. We will practice the opposite of these things. We will reject that initial thought, take it captive, and transform it by reminding ourselves of what God’s Word says on the matter. Because of everything we have received from God, we can reject these earthly desires. The closer we get to our Heavenly Father, the easier it will become.

(Written by Keegan Harkins.)

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I am an award-winning Christian author who loves to talk about God. These blogs are simple devotion-style comments on what we read as we journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. 

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