No Longer Strangers
The idea that Mary retained her virginity throughout her lifetime didn’t exist until two hundred years after her death (Pate, 1995). Scripture clearly tells us Jesus had brothers and sisters. Not only in today’s reading, but in throughout the New Testament, we are told of the dynamic of his earthly family. What is different about today’s reading is his dismissal of those he grew up with. His statement, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it,” (verse 21) would have been rather shocking. Undoubtedly, his mother and brothers would have expected a much warmer welcome. For us though, this declaration changes everything.
2 Corinthians 6:18 says, “And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.” Likewise, Ephesians 1:5 declares, “He predestined us for adoption to Himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will.” God was not satisfied with worshippers. He did not create mankind so that we could play some cosmic roleplaying game for His entertainment. His goal was always relationship. For this reason, we were created and designed. The world has lost that message in recent years. The push for belief in evolution has downgraded humanity from special creation to happy accident. The world would tell you that you only came into being because some creature, millions of years ago, mutated. This theory teaches our children they have no special purpose. Their lives are no more valuable than those of the beasts of the field. Evidence of this thinking appears on our news feeds with stories of gross atrocities against the innocent. If we are no different than animals, what crime is there in our cruelty? What tragedy is there in the mass murder of children? Taking away the relationship we can have with our Creator takes away the value of human life.
You are valued. Before time began, you were planned and prepared for. Lives were strung together in an intricate pattern to bring about your birth. That makes a difference in your value. It does not matter if your father and mother knew nothing about your coming. It doesn’t even matter if they wanted nothing to do with your coming. Your God did. He planned you. He prepared the world just for you. Your picture hangs on His wall. He brags about you to the angels (Job 1:6-12). Truly, who are Jesus’ brothers and sisters? “Those who hear the world of God and do it.” In case you were not sure, welcome to the family.
(Written by Keegan Harkins.)
1. Pate, C. Marvin "Luke: Moody Gospel Commentary" (Chicago, Illinois: Moody Publishers, 1995)