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Looking Beyond the Moment

2 Peter 3:11-18

Today’s reading is all about perspective. Why do we do what we do? What is the point, the meaning, of our life? The world asks these questions without honestly being able to answer them. As Christians, these are easy questions. We do what we do because God willed it. Our lives are not our own. Our purpose is not our will. We have a greater calling than the here and now. The meaning of our life was written before the foundation of the world. We were created to bring God glory and to do His work on earth. This sounds so easy when we read it, but you and I know that our mission is hard. Living our lives for Jesus does not come without challenges. As I type this, I am using a borrowed computer. Mine had water spilled on it and will not even turn on. Yet, these devotions are my assignment from my Creator, and so I sit at my father’s table at 3:10 in the morning and use his computer.

There are almost endless people and situations that will try to derail our lives. Temptations call us to step off God’s path. Struggles tempt us to sit down and give up. Trials and even annoying cats reacting to a glass of water left too close to a laptop will get in the way of our work. Still, we look beyond the moment. Peter reminds us of eternity in his parting words. He tells us to be zealous for Christ. That is the key… to be zealous. Zealous means to be eager and passionate. Are you passionate for God’s work. Are you willing to go the extra mile and work through whatever you face today? Are you eager? Is sharing the gospel and living for Christ the most exciting and important thing on your To-Do List? This is the type of life we are called to. We get so excited about so many things: sports, friends, work… It is time our greatest excitement comes from reading God’s word and spending time in prayer.

I can’t tell you that today will be easy. I know my day will have struggles. I know it needs to be bathed in prayer before the sun tints the sky. I also know that it will be worth it. I know that God will provide small and big opportunities for me to show someone His love. I can prove that the joy of the Lord is my strength. I can walk by faith. Yes, I know I could also stumble. I have tripped upon my own tongue too often to ignore the reality of my humanity, but I await the fulfillment of my faith. I long for the eternity I see in scripture. I know this moment is brief in light of eternity. Lord, help us live beyond the moment. Help us keep your promises forefront in our minds. Help us be zealous for our faith and our commitment to You.

(Written by Keegan Harkins.)

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I am an award-winning Christian author who loves to talk about God. These blogs are simple devotion-style comments on what we read as we journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. 

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