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Life is Heavy: Carry as a Team

Life is not a solo sport. It should only be attempted by a team. The quality of the team you assemble greatly affects your journey, so chose carefully. When I was a teenager, my father ran the stock team at a local department store. One of the things I remember most about his time there was his obsession with no one getting hurt. Because he had suffered an injury at work, he was extra careful that none of his employees fell into the same trap of trying to do things by themselves and getting hurt. I remember that he ordered a bunch of stickers that showed two people carrying a large box. Under the picture was printed: Team Lift Item. For some reason, this image has stayed with me for thirty years. Every now and then, I will see this simple image printed on the side of a cumbersome looking box, and I will smile as I think about my dad posting these stickers everywhere. One of the most memorable places he ever stuck one of his stickers was in the breakroom. You see, of all the things you will carry in this world, you are the most precious piece of cargo, and you are heavy. We all are. We have burdens, worries, fears, hopes, dreams, expectations, and an entire spectrum of emotions. Life is heavy. It is a ‘Team Lift Item’.

Moses’ father-in-law gave Moses the best piece of advice: You can’t do everything alone. In fact, there is very little, if anything, we can do alone. We were not designed that way. Adam walked with God from the very beginning. His Creator was his companion, but God knew he needed more. Eve was created to be the helper to Adam, not in a subservient, slavish way, but in a loving – team building way. God knew, life is heavy and should never be carried alone. Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us, “Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” We need one another. We need to be encouraged, rebuked, steadied, and given the comfort of company. But we must remember, as Moses’ father-in-law pointed out, to choose whom we invite to our team carefully.

1 Corinthians 15:33 says, “Do not be deceived: Bad company ruins good morals.” Some translations phrase it as “Bad company corrupts good character,” but I like the way the Revised Standard Version words it. Our morals shift when we surround ourselves with people whose values look very different than our own. If these are the type of people we chose to become our team, they will begin to pull us in the wrong direction. It isn’t a question of if but when. This is a warning and a promise, so choose wisely. Moses’s father-in-law told Moses to choose men who were able to complete the task; men who feared the Lord and hated bribes… men with integrity, honor, and a solid faith. His advice applies to us too. Let us be careful in whom we choose to help us carry our loads. Choose people who, above all, love and fear the Lord. Choose those who encourage you towards righteousness and do not tempt you to sin. Build a team that will carry you through all the ups and downs of life. When your life gets heavy, lean on them. When they grow weak, carry more. Depend on your brothers and sisters in Christ and be dependable. Always remember: Life is a Team Lift Item.

(Written by Keegan Harkins.)

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I am an award-winning Christian author who loves to talk about God. These blogs are simple devotion-style comments on what we read as we journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. 

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