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Joel: A Warning for All of Us

Joel’s, and his father’s, name is only mentioned once throughout all of scripture - this verse. We know relatively nothing about this man. What we believe we know is still greatly contested. We cannot say with certainty what tribe he was from or where he lived. We do not even know without a doubt what year he penned his book of prophecy. To this, John MacArthur wrote, “The message of Joel is timeless, forming doctrine which could be repeated and applied to any age.”

Joel Ryan, a contributing writer for, wrote: Rival nations and city states such as Tyre, Sidon, and Philistia had made frequent incursions into Israel, and a recent locust plague and drought had devastated Judah’s economy (Joel 1:4). Needless to say, Judah was weak from the inside out. It was a time of national mourning, where, as Joel writes, “all the trees of the field dry up. Indeed, rejoicing dries up the sons of men” (Joel 1:12). Like many Biblical prophets, Joel was sent by God to get the people’s attention in a time of depression and decline. However, unlike many prophets, Joel does not address specific sin or idolatry on the part of Judah. Rather, he uses the recent calamity of the locust plague to teach a prophetic lesson. What was that Lesson? Speaking to the elders of Judah, Joel calls all members of society to take seriously the current locust plague. Why? Because as bad as this calamity was, it was nothing in comparison to what was to come from God if the people did not repent and turn back to Him.”

As we dive into this short book towards the end of the Old Testament, I believe we will see similarities between our world and theirs. We are a world that has turned its back on Christ. We have dismissed the warnings of God. Many act as if He does not exist or wields no power. Because of this, our world moans in disarray. Creation cries out from burned fields and broken weather patterns. Many, myself included, do not believe there to be much time before we see the Lord return in the clouds. When this happens, the time for change will be over. Are we ready? Are our neighbors and friends? It is my prayer that we are encouraged through the book of Joel to join in his message to those who are in rebellion to the Lord. Today may have struggles, but the wrath of God will be complete and final. Prepare now so that you escape that horrific calamity yet to come.

(Written by Keegan Harkins.)

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I am an award-winning Christian author who loves to talk about God. These blogs are simple devotion-style comments on what we read as we journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. 

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