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God Will Carry You Through

     I could lie and say that becoming a Christian meant you would never face troubles of any kind, but it would be just that: a lie. Right now, I am doing a Bible study on various women mentioned in the Bible. They are all different, with different problems and different circumstances, but one thing is the same: their lives were not easy. They struggled with relationships, infertility, fear, abuse, abandonment and more. One of these women, Leah, was married to a man who was tricked into marrying her. She was never loved by him. In fact, Genesis 29:31 says Leah was “hated”. Despite her being lonely and undesired in this life, she was loved by God. He gave her children to love her and fill that hole in her life, and He added her name the family history of Jesus. Hagar was a slave, abused and mistreated, but God saw her in her distress and rescued her. None of these women had an easy life, but what they did have was more than enough. They had their God.

     I don’t know what you are struggling with in this moment. Maybe you are in a good place and maybe you feel broken beyond repair. I get that. I have been in both situations. Thirty years ago, someone asked me what I would want if I could have anything in the world. I answered that I wanted to be happy. If not for God, I would have to say I was still waiting. But God has blessed me with His love, mercy, and goodness. I am overwhelmed by how much my King loves me. Who am I that the God of the universe should not only know my name but love my soul?  

     Today’s reading has one of the best lines. Verse 11 says, “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.” That is the God we serve. He is not impersonal. He does not take notes from a distance. He gets down in the trenches of our lives. He holds us when we are weak and when we are scared. This life may not be easy, but it doesn’t have to be a life of mourning. God never promises to take the obstacles out of our path. He doesn’t promise that He will make every road free of potholes or stumbling stones. He promises to give us the victory He won. He promises to stick close beside us, to wash away our tears, and to hold us when we are broken. “Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” (verse 5)

     One thing I have learned from studying the lives of these extraordinary women mentioned in scripture is that God is in control. He is faithful and just. He knows the big picture long before we can even see the edges. This too is part of His plan. Even if where you find yourself is because of choices you made, He’s got this too. Romans 8:28 promises us, “We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” I look at my life and I notice it all leads towards a goal I cannot see. I may not understand how God is going to take all these shattered pieces and melt them into something new and beautiful, but I believe it. I will not fall apart because I am being held by the hand of God. If you find yourself in a trying time of life, rest in the knowledge that you are not alone. This painful chapter needs to belong in your story because it makes what lies ahead that much sweeter. If now is a time of joy and rejoicing, praise God. Store up all the proof of God’s goodness so you can fall back upon it when life gets difficult. God is good. God is love, and God is yours.

(Written by Keegan Harkins.)

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I am an award-winning Christian author who loves to talk about God. These blogs are simple devotion-style comments on what we read as we journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. 

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