God's Message
Having access to tremendous miracles, signs, and preaching gives no guarantee of repentance. If we could promise that our words would always land on accepting hearts, this world would have no unbelievers. Unfortunately, the truth is that we cannot control the thoughts or attitudes of others. This does not; however, relieve the hearer of the consequences of their reaction to the message shared. In today’s reading, Jesus continues his instruction to the 72 men who would preach the gospel ahead of his arrival. After telling them to shake off the dust of those who reject their peace, he laments the cities which have rejected the gospel.
It is a very interesting truth that those who have much often reject far more. Here in the United States, Christianity is interwoven through our history. Our country was created by religious refugees seeking freedom to worship their God. Because of this, we have the freedom to worship wherever and however we want. However, the Gospel is not readily known or even accepted by our society anymore. Many people have no idea that Jesus is more than a curse word. On the contrary, countries where religious freedom does not exist burn with the greatest faith and deepest desperation to hear the truth. We need to be careful that our familiarity doesn’t desensitize us to the move of the Holy Spirit. Let us not join those who reject God’s word because we are not paying attention to our desperate need for Him.
The last bit of information Jesus gives his followers who are setting off on their first mission trip truly speaks to my heart today. Verse 16 says, “The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me, and the one who rejects me rejects Him who sent me.” “It is helpful for all servants of God to not hold either praise or rejection too tightly. If they truly represent their Master, the success or rejection of their work is more due to Him than to them. Their greatest concern should not be with success or rejection, but with properly representing Jesus their Master” (David Guzik, 2022). God asks us to go. He tells us the words we are to speak and the way we are to live. He never asks us to guarantee the results of those examples because that is not our responsibility. This is why we need to leave our peace with those who accept it and take back what is rejected (Luke 10:6). This is how we can face rejection and ridicule. It is not our message they are rejecting. It is the Lord’s. There is an important part of this last verse which we need to keep in mind though. When we stand as a Christian, we stand as an image-bearer of Christ. The words we speak, the quality of the love we offer, and the behavior we show are (for better or worse) attributed to our God. It is our responsibility to ensure we are presenting an accurate picture.
Share the gospel. Share the love and the word of our God, but do not do it in your own power. Do not try to modernize the Word of God or His message. Make sure the picture you present is not jaded by your opinion. The gospel is simple by design. It is inclusive but requires a change in the listener. It is His message, not our agenda.
(Written by Keegan Harkins.)
Guzik, D. (6/2022). Study Guide for Luke 10 by David Guzik. Retrieved from https://www.blueletterbible.org/comm/guzik_david/study-guide/luke/luke-10.cfm
