Freely Given
Everything in the world belongs to the Lord. If He wanted, He could cause a mountain of precious gems to sprout at our doorstep. He could, but He most likely won’t. God gave the Israelites instructions on how to build His tabernacle and all the items it contained. He didn’t need the Israelites to do the work. Afterall, He created the entire earth with simply a word. A tent and few pieces of furniture would have been no problem. Why then does God require us to work for what He could easily accomplish on His own?
When you were a child, did your parents assign you chores or tasks you needed to accomplish? Were you required to wash the dishes or take out the garbage? Perhaps you had animals to feed and tend to or other responsibilities at home. Why do you think you were asked to do these tasks? I believe I was about eight when my mother had me dry dishes for her and put them away. Once I was tall enough to reach the sink, my older brother and I took turns washing and drying the dishes. That means that I have been washing and/or drying dishes for almost 40 years. I think it is safe to say that I know how to accomplish the task, and I actually enjoy it. I know that may sound weird, but I find washing dishes relaxing. What I don’t find relaxing is spending ten minutes trying to find where one of my children put the measuring cup when I am trying to cook dinner. What I find even less relaxing is finding it (in the wrong drawer) only to discover that there is dried… something… stuck to the inside because it was not washed properly the night before. Though I know I could wash the dishes, enjoy it, and do a better job than my children, I continue to ask them to do the dishes. Why? Because I want to raise children who understand the joy of helping others. I want them to appreciate the feeling of getting a job done. I want to teach them responsibility and accountability. I could do the dishes, but then they would miss the lesson and the blessing.
David Guzik describes God asking the Israelites to volunteer and donate items to build the tabernacle like this, “God could cause the money and materials to appear by a miracle. Yet He chose to fund His work through the willing gifts of His people. He works this way because we need to be a giving people.” Just like any good parent, God allows his children to do His work, not because He is lazy or because He is incapable of accomplishing the task without our help but, because He is training us. By allowing us to participate in His work, He shares the joy that comes with it. He cultivates the gifts inside us by giving us opportunities to use them and share them. He will not; however, force us to participate. We could refuse, but denying the work is also denying the blessing.
2 Corinthians 9:7-8 says, “Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing to abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work.” Remember back in Exodus 11:2-3, the Israelites were told to ask their neighbors for jewelry of silver and gold? Verse 3 told us that God gave the Israelites favor in the Egyptians’ sight and they lavished them with riches and gifts. It is from these gifts that the Israelites now make their offering to God. Those skills that they learned under the whip of their taskmasters they can now use for God’s glory. We have an abundance of supplies and talents that God places in our lives. He asks us to share those gifts and talents. Afterall, how did the Egyptians gather their wealth and skills? Was it not given to them from someone else? Instead of magically supplying for every need, God uses humanity to bless humanity. Why? For the same reason we teach our children to serve and work. God is busy teaching and training us the important truths of His kingdom. We learn by being a faithful and willing participant. Will you give freely what was freely given to you?