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Focus on What Matters

Now that we have the salvation of the Lord and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Peter tells us there are only two things we need do: 1) Remember the words of the prophets, and 2) Remember the commandments of the God. He makes it sound so very easy, but then, maybe we are the ones who complicate things. All our troubles and fears can be relieved by remembering these two things. No matter how strong the struggles of this world are, they are temporary compared with our eternal prize. Whatever questions we have as to what direction we should travel, God’s commands guide us along the way. Neither of these come readily. That is why Peter tells us to remember this foundation. They are so easy to forget. It is so easy to peer too closely at our troubles.

Over the years, I have purchased and been given a number of magnifying mirrors. They always sound so useful. I have horrible eyesight. To put make-up on without my glasses or contacts, I have to position my face about an inch from the mirror and kind of guess if I am getting my eye liner in the right place. The magnifying mirror enables me to be a few inches away and to move my makeup brushes more easily. There is a downside to these mirrors which enlarge the world for those of us with compromised vision. When my glasses or contacts are correcting my vision and I happen to look at my reflection in one these mirrors, I am horrified by how big every blemish or imperfection on my face looks. Take a few steps back and I become my same, aging but still pleasant looking self. The same is true of everything we stare at too closely. This is why the only image we should seek to see in the magnified vision of meditation or reflection should be Christ. Only God can withstand the examination. When God fills our mind and our vision, the other parts of life fade. Our struggles won’t disappear, but they will be balanced by the glory and grace of God. Our failures, when looked at through Christ, become opportunities for mercy and the glorification of God.

If we are to not only withstand this life but thrive, we need to remember the truth. We need to remind ourselves of the promises of God given to us in scripture. We need to guard and hedge our life in with the commands of our Lord. We can study the lives of those who have successfully walked this life before us and be encouraged, or even chastised if needed. No matter what this life throws at us… remember. Remember the works of God. Remember the goodness of His mercy and grace. Remember His commands and concentrate your focus on what is true and edifying for our souls.

(Written by Keegan Harkins.)



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I am an award-winning Christian author who loves to talk about God. These blogs are simple devotion-style comments on what we read as we journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. 

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