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Flee Sin!

Can we just all agree that sin corrodes every aspect of life? If we embrace sin, we destroy ourselves, but if we teach others to sin, we will destroy both of us. Considering that Jesus used a child as a reference, and we just learned that children were considered lower than low class, we can see God’s care for His people. There is not one whose name is written in His Book of Life which He isn’t invested in. Notice the wrath and the punishment that befalls anyone who leads even the ‘least’ in His kingdom away from the truth. Jesus tells us, “It would be better for him if a great millstone were hung round his neck and he were thrown into the sea.” (verse 42) If our choice is between a horrible death and leading someone away from God, we would be better off if we chose the horrible death.

Jesus makes the seriousness of sin and tempting others to sin very clear. He tells us it would be better if we mutilated ourselves than if we went ahead with our plans for evil. I don’t believe Jesus honestly expected us to gouge out our eyes, but I do believe he made his examples extreme intentionally. Our world downgrades the negative effects of sin. There are many churches in this world that preach sin as a choice worth taking. They shave off the painful edges of rebellion against God’s word as if it were nothing more than a trivial thing, or as if God had suddenly changed His mind on the matter.

As I type this, I am looking at a scratch on my right hand. Our cat had kittens a month ago and they are just getting to be tiny explorers. I picked one up to cuddle it, even though it was clear the kitten wanted to do something else. She let me know my scratching my hand. I cuddled her anyway. The harm her tiny claw inflicted on my hand was not even noticeable at the time, and only mildly annoying afterwards. The soft, fuzzy cuddle was definitely worth it. This is what the world wants us to believe sin is like. Sure, it may leave a scratch, but it will hardly even be noticeable. The truth is though that sin is nothing like a kitten. It is more like a hungry lion. No one in their right mind would walk up to a full grown lion and demand it accept an unwanted cuddle. There would be no coming back from such foolishness. It’s time we start treating sin like the destroyer of righteousness that it is. Sin isn’t a game to be played with.

If there is something in your life that tempts you to sin, cut it out of your life. End friendships that do nothing but lead you astray. Maybe that will mean you have to get a new job or a new living arrangement. No matter what it takes to avoid sin, the cost is worth it. That is what I believe Jesus was trying to get across in our reading today. Hell is real. Eternity without God should never be toyed with. Hell is not a place for sinners to party and revel in their rebellion. It is a place of constant torment and never-ending flames. It should be avoided at all cost. Luckily, that cost has already been paid. To spit on our salvation by entertaining sin would be the greatest tragedy of all.

(Written by Keegan Harkins.)

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I am an award-winning Christian author who loves to talk about God. These blogs are simple devotion-style comments on what we read as we journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. 

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