Filling the Void
In the beginning the earth was “without form and void.” There was nothing. There was less than nothing – there was not even a hint of what would be. Yet, from this nothing, God created everything we have ever known and many things we have never seen. From lack came abundance. How often we suffer from lack: in our relationships, our finances, our patience, our faith. These two verses of scripture shout out to us that we need not worry about this lack. We serve the God of Creation. We worship the One who took a complete lack – a void – and from it created every flower, every tuft of hair on a buffalo’s back, every sunrise, and every starry night.
No matter what we struggle with, God never balks at the complexity of our problems. The One who easily spoke the world into existence does not doubt. He does not waiver. He does not ever find Himself perplexed at possible solutions to our problems. There is no void He cannot fill. Let our faith expand as the universe under His careful direction. The Creator of the World knows just what you need and just how to lead you there. Where we see nothing, God sees possibilities. Where we see uncertainty, God clearly sees direction. Faith chooses to see with God’s eyes. Faith understands the limitations of our perception and holds tight to the belief that the One who filled the void with a sunrise can fill our need with plenty.